+971 4 8816033
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  • ISO 45001 2018 Reteck MEA FZE
  • ISO 45001 2018 Reteck Recycling Technology
  • ISO Certificate 9001:2015 (Re Teck Freezone)
  • ISO Certificate 9001:2015 (Reteck Local)
  • ISO Certificate 18001:2007 (Re Teck Freezone)
  • ISO Certificate 18001:2007 (Reteck Local)
  • ISO Certificate 14001:2015 (Re Teck Freezone)
  • ISO Certificate 14001:2015 (Reteck Local)
  • QHSE Policy
  • PCFC-(Ports,-Customs-&-Freezone-Corporation)-Certified-Waste-Processing-Facility
  • Environmental Clearance Certificate
  • Dubai Municipality Accredited Waste Processing Facility
All LTG’s wholly owned facilities are strictly adhere to the same global standards. Our Dubai facility has already followed the below and application in progress. Expected to complete in 2016